Communications From the Frozen North: A Toronto Update
By Bryn Roshong and Wes Hannah
This long winter and chilly spring in Toronto saw the blooming of new Anarchist and radical projects, with grand plans for more to come.
Facing a long-standing problem of having a somewhat splintered anarchist movement, Toronto started the new year with an initiative toward more integrated networking. Two or three Anarchist Potlucks/Anarchist Gatherings have occurred, with the intent of drawing similarly-minded people together, serving as a Petri dish for new projects to arise.
One such project was the Toronto Really Really Free Market, which saw its debut this past March. The eventual goal is a permanent space for a community free store; right now the market will be a once-a-month affair. The first RRFM, operating out of a space donated by the Toronto Free Gallery, had around 500 people of all walks of life turn out to give, take and share. Everything from books to toys to household goods to bicycles was given and taken. The event wrapped up with a free dinner served by Food Not Bombs to around 100 people, as well as a free concert. We received overwhelmingly positive responses from all kinds of folks who participated or heard word from elsewhere. Some want to get involved in organizing with us, others want to start one in their own neighborhoods.
As the weather warms up, so do our Canadian hearts, and we hope for big things this summer.