(A)TTACK Collective

Over the past few months, (A)TTACK Collective has undergone some turnover in the midst of an almost frantic period of action. Since we last checked in, there have been a series of members who have announced that they are leaving the area, but a few new faces have been coming around as we prepare for the G-20 in Toronto. Members of the group have been working on the growing Food Not Bombs, the Prisoner Support Network and a fledgling Copwatch movement in the Binghamton area, as well as a campaign against the state budget cuts to the university system. These include "furloughs," in which workers will only be paid for working through Thursday every week, effectively cutting their pay by 20 percent. We have also been branching out and are now part of the growing campaign of resistance to the natural gas drilling under the Marcellus Shale shelf in New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

Table of Contents